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Yes. We are targeting Year 2 students from about 3 polytechnics, 4 JCs and 2 ITEs schools. We aim to collect a representative sample of post-secondary students across different institutions. The target sample for each post-sec cohort is a minimum of 800 students.

The online survey should not take more than 20 minutes to complete, at students’ own time. No school visits are required. We only request for the school admin staff to email broadcast the survey invite to your students.

The NIE research team will be fully responsible for data collection, monitoring of survey response and communication with students on questions related to the study. We only ask for the initial email to be sent to students and a reminder a month later, if response is low.

Anonymised data will be analysed for research reporting and sharing to NIE faculty (and other IHLs where there is interest), MOE partners and through academic publications.

To engage students longitudinally, a summary of relevant findings will be shared with them through emails and/or our project website. This information would be helpful for reflecting on their own orientations and those of their peers.

Depending on the response rate, a summary of key findings can be shared with your school. We expect preliminary results to be ready sometime in November 2022.

Questions asked in the survey will cover interdisciplinary domains relevant for understanding the factors, processes and outcomes of educational transitions and pathways. Domains covered can be found below.